Has been re-elected to the National Executive Committee for a second 2-year term, 2023-2025. Post 61, Dept. of Tennessee, is proud to have him as one of our members and our First Vice Commander. Congratulations Bob on a job well done!
NATIONAL COMMANDER VISIT: National Commander LaCoursiere’s visit September 14-15; posts 17, 88, and (82 Saturday’s Murder Mystery) are, more than likely, our only stops, as well as Nashville Superspeedway - subject to change.
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MOBILE MARKETING EVENT: September 14-15, 2024. NTT Indy Car Race in Nashville, TN.
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2025 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE: We will return on January 11 and 12, 2025 to Embassy Suites Nashville-SE, Murfreesboro for our annual Mid-Winter Conference. Event registration link along with a link to reserve discounted accommodations, for $159 per night plus tax, are on the Department website: www.tennesseelegion.org.
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EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP TARGET DATE: September 11, 2024, is the Early Bird Membership Target Date. Posts are expected to reach 50% of their post Membership Goals for the year. We have 68 posts who have hit or exceeded the target; while we have 89 posts who have not hit their target.
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POST ONLINE CREDITS: As a reminder, The American Legion is planning to discontinue using the credit process for renewals online. We will issue checks starting in December 2024. Please use your credits before September 1, 2024. Anything less than $25 will be held until the next cycle.
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TENNESSEE AMERICAN LEGION COLLEGE: September 28 and 29, 2024, held at Department Headquarters. Application is available on the Department website in the American Legion Training and Education tab.
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FALL MEETINGS: Fall Meetings will start on October 7, 2024. Members of The American Legion's National Executive Committee (NEC), along with the American Legion Commission and committee members, will convene in Indianapolis for the organization's annual Fall Meetings. Commission and committee meetings are Oct. 7-8; the NEC meets Oct. 9-10. The NEC will meet in the NEC Room at the National Headquarters to review the reports and vote on resolutions.
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ORATORICAL CONTEST: We enclosed Oratorical information for each Post and to share with your High Schools. First place state scholarship is $3000. Applications need to reach Department Headquarters by February 4, 2025.
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MEMBERSHIP TARGET: The first target date is upon us, September 11, 2024. Currently we have 92 posts that have missed the mark. The Department has 324 new/renew members short, thereby translating to 48.47% or 1.53% short of the target.
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VAMC CHRISTMAS DONATIONS/PARTIES: The deadline for the VAMC Christmas Donations is December 10, 2024. Please send donations to Department Headquarters beforehand.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP - Membership in The American Legion Auxiliary shall be limited to the:
(1) Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion; and
(2) Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who served in either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918 and any time after December 7, 1941 who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of their entry therein served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge;
(3) Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who were in the Armed Forces of the United States during either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941 who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and
(4) Women who of their own right are eligible for membership in The American Legion.*
* A woman who is eligible for American Legion membership is eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary regardless of whether or not she is a member of The American Legion. However, eligibility of her female relatives (sister, mother, direct descendants) and/or spouse depends upon her membership in The American Legion.
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SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS- All male descendants adopted sons, and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during the period of April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918, or any time from December 7, 1941, to date, who served honorably, as set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from military service, shall be eligible.
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LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THE YEAR: To recognize a well-rounded Law Enforcement Officer, who has exceeded, above and beyond, the duty requirements expected of the position held and who exemplifies the virtues of professionalism and dedication and has demonstrated a distinct pattern of community service to the community, state, or Nation. Applications due to Department Headquarters by January 6, 2025.
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ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES: members shall pay their renewals by October 20, annually. The Legion membership cycle is from January 1 to December 31. Department and National dues shall be paid for the full year, irrespective of the month the member may have joined. Membership dues collected at a local Post include Department and National dues.
EMPLOYMENT AWARDS: The Department annually presents awards at the Department Convention to honor employers who hire veterans, disabled veterans, and older workers. We also recognize those who help veterans find employment. The awards include:
· Veteran Employer of the Year – 3 categories (Small, Medium, and Large)
· Employer of the Disabled Veterans Award
· Employer of Older Workers Award
· Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) of the Year
· Outstanding Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist of the Year
· Outstanding Employment Service Office of the Year
Nomination forms for each award are available on the Department website. Please include no more than two typed narrative pages as well as the official nomination form. Nominations are due January 6, 2025.
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CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS AND GAMING: The Tennessee Nonprofit Gaming Law allows eligible 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) organizations to hold an annual “game of chance” fundraising event. To conduct such an event, an organization must file the following with the division:
An application and all required attachments between July 1 and January 31 each year for the eventsto be held the following July 1 - June 30.
A non-refundable fee.
The division will review the application and transmit a listof all qualifying applicants to the General Assembly for itsauthorization.
For more information call the Division of Charitable Solicitations at (615) 741-2555 or view the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) go to: http://sos.tn.gov/products/charitable-solicitations-and-gaming/charitable-gaming-faqs. Raffles and 50/50 events are illegal unless permitted by Tennessee Secretary of State.
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LEGIONCARE - Enrollments after January 1, 2015, anyone enrolled in LegionCare will be covered for as long as they maintain their membership in The American Legion. This new “one and done” approach will save you from needing to re-enroll every 5 years. The LegionCare program will continue to cover you for $1,000 of AD&D coverage plus provide the added benefit of up to $5,000 if the accidental loss occurs when on “official Legion business.” LegionCare is available to all members of the Legion Family including the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion members 18 years and older. Visit www.thelit.com or call 1-800-235-6943 to enroll.
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100% OF 2025 MEMBERSHIP GOAL BY OCTOBER 20, 2024 - according to Article X, Section 3 of the amended Department’s Constitution, Revised June 6, 2021, and Article X, Section 4 of The American Legion National Constitution, Revised August 27 – 29, 2019. “Annual dues shall be payable October 20th of each year, for the succeeding calendar year.” We award $100.00 to each Post that has reached his/her 2025 membership goal and has transmitted the respective dues to the Department no later than October 20, 2024; we will give a check to the deserving Post at the Department Convention on June 14-15, 2025. The respective Post Commander or Post Adjutant must submit their request in writing by November 15, 2024; we will not honor requests after November 15, 2024. The Department will verify the post attained their membership goal.
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POST EVERLASING: 100-year old Past Department Commander Honorable Joe Duncan transferred to Post Everlasting. We send our condolences to his family and friends; may he rest in peace.
GRASSROOTS ACTION – FIX THE VA FUNDING SHORTFALL: As a constituent and veteran, we urge you to ensure that the Department of Veterans Affairs is fully funded by contacting your Senators and Congressional Representatives. This looming $3 billion shortfall is unacceptable.
With more than 18 million veterans in the United States, Congress and the VA should anticipate the changing needs of the veteran population and properly fund the benefits that they have earned.
Please act before October 1stto ensure veterans' compensation is fully paid and restore our faith in the promises made to veterans. Act by going to. www.legion.org/action. This is one of ten action items.
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ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE – Scheduled for Monday December 16th, 2024; please RSVP Debi debi@tnlegion.org or 615-391-5088 by December 10.
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NEW DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS STAFF MEMBER – Please welcome Dennis Griffin as a member of our staff; he will join us September 3rd, 2024.
1: American Legion Disaster Preparedness Month
1: Junior Shooting Sports Club Registration Opens
11: Patriot’s Day
11: First Membership Target Date 50%
14-15: National Commander’s Visit
14-15: Mobile Media Event, Nashville Superspeedway
16: American Legion Day
18: Happy Birthday US Air Force!!!
20: POW/MIA Recognition Day
28-29: Tennessee Legion College
29: Gold Star Mother’s Day
7: Operation Enduring Freedom Started (2001)
7-10: Fall Meetings
12: SAL Eastern Conference, Squadron 13, Maryville
13: Happy Birthday US Navy!!!!
16: Second Membership Target Date 55%
17: Third District Meeting, Location TBD, 6 pm
18: First District Meeting, Location TBD, 6 pm
19: Second District Meeting, Location, Post 53 Harriman, 12 pm
21: Seventh District Meeting, Post 42, Fayetteville, 6 pm
23: Eighth District Meeting, Post 176 Hosts, Azbill Community Center, Linden
24: Ninth District Meeting, Location TBD, 6 pm
25: Tenth District Meeting, Location TBD, 6 pm
25: Grenada Invasion (1983)
31: Happy Halloween!!!
2: Basic Training, Post 72 Dover
11: Veterans Day (Offices Closed)
14: Third Membership Target Date, 60%
17-22: National American Legion College
28-29: Thanksgiving (Offices Closed)
Post Training- Last Tuesday monthly www.legion.org/training
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